In the context of “I AMetamorphosis” art exhibition by Ignatios Mitrofanous, we invite you to join us to an experiential Art and Meditation session on Saturday, 19.09.2020 at Alpha C.K. Gallery, Nicosia.

In this session, we will explore our breath through various guided breathing exercises and experience the physical and mental benefits. Breathing is the basis of life, yet rarely are we taught to breathe correctly. Pranayama is the art of conscious, controlled breathing. The journey of awareness and presence will continue with a Mindfulness Guided Meditation, the act of being fully aware and grounded into the present moment. Meditation will be accompanied by sound frequencies from a crystal singing bowl. These relaxing yet energizing practices will help you relieve stress, feel grounded, present, calm and peaceful. No prior experience is needed. All levels are welcome.

Please register to reserve your spot